real union work

 A Week In The Life Of FWC

If all you see are the nonstop screeds from the other union, promising deliverance from all issues, but only if you sign their paperwork, keep reading… Real unions are doing the real union work of fighting for people.

Probably the top reason people join FWC is that they don’t get any response from the other union when they need it most. In some cases, they don’t even get a callback. Then they turn to FWC for help.

So what are we doing? Last week was fairly typical:

  • Helping two members who had been denied workers compensation coverage
    • One claim was ultimately covered, 
    • The other was referred to our attorney
  • A member was denied bereavement leave for a Saturday funeral for a relative, which is in violation of the Personnel Regulations. This was thankfully resolved before the funeral.
  • Setting up two pre-hearings at Civil Service for members suspended/dismissed
    • Assist four members with responses to the proposed discipline
  • Assisted members with ADA filings and FML filings (a common issue with the County)
  • Met with members at I-66 and Newington locations
  • Represented two members in face-to-face grievances
  • Met with County HR staff per various ongoing issues regarding pay compression, collective bargaining issues, and agencies contracting out jobs. 
  • Met with a member of the Board of Supervisors to discuss pay, collective bargaining ordinance, and upcoming budget hearings

This does not count the numerous phone calls at all hours of people looking for guidance and help.

People don’t join unions for tee shirts and rallies, to hear endless propaganda, or be pursued through parking lots and implored to sign something.  They expect and deserve their union to be there when they need them. That’s the FWC difference.